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Meet Our Team

The PoB team is full of optimistic realists — people that have grown up and lived all around the Western World but still felt the need to explore in search of something more, something better…

We’ve experienced first-hand that it doesn’t matter how many conveniences, gadgets, and money you have, or how perfect your life may appear…you’ll feel unfufilled and like something better is out there.


Hey there, my name is Adam and I am the founder of Pursuit of Better. I travel and live all over the world in search of deep conversation that challenge me to grow and give me new tools to help others grow.
Adam Crompton
Hey there, my name is Hannah and I support the design and artistry of Pursuit of Better. I'm from Australia but I travel all over the world to learn, grow, and make the world a better place.
Hannah Axelsen
Artist and Designer
Hey there, my name is Kevin and I contribute book reviews and stories to Pursuit of Better. I'm from the East Coast, work for Under Armour as a team lead. I'm a lifelong learner, constantly striving to grow myself and others through new experiences and dozens of new books every year.
Kevin Connelly
Contributor and Writer
You've arrived. You’ve made it. You are complete. You are enough.


These are not words I would have said to myself (or to you) when I was younger.

That sounds like some phoney baloney positive thinking **** from Tony Robbins or Zig Ziglar.

How could these words be true? You still need to excel at school. You still need to get a job. You still need to buy a house. You still need a plan and you need to feel successful first. You should complete a lot of things before you get to relax and enjoy. Maybe you shouldn’t go on that vacation because you have so much to do.

My experience of life wasn’t like that. Things were okay, there were lots of ups and downs, but I learned that if you work hard, someday life will stop knocking you down and you’ll finally get what you’ve been working so hard for. You’ll finally reach your goal or destination.

Funny enough, no one ever explained what the goal or destination was supposed to be, but it was just on the horizon…somewhere close…

So…I worked hard, learned as much as I could, earned and saved as much as I could, all so I could make my efforts even more productive and fruitful. I’ve lived in countless places and had endless unique experiences so that I could grow as quickly as possible, absorb as much as I could.

Using all my skills and knowledge, I accomplished incredible things. I invested a huge amount of my time, money, and energy on this pursuit of better…But, after learning and experiencing so much, I found something I wasn’t expecting.

You see, the truth was, I was working so hard and learning so much because I didn’t always really feel that lucky…or satisfied…or enough. I could accomplish great things yet still feel like something was missing. And I could appear confident on the outside while totally lacking it deep down, on the inside.

The deep truth that I discovered, through travel and through working with my own coaches, is the thing we’re all searching for is right in front of our face – in our community, our relationships, and ourselves.

You might learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and spell in school, but they don’t really teach you how to live.

It’s quite something to step off the treadmill after running your whole life. To realize that actually, you’ve already arrived. You’ve made it. You are complete. You are enough.

And as it turns out, I was actually incredibly lucky the whole time. I had a deep interest, curiosity, and love for other people and their experiences, good, bad or otherwise. I could see things in them that they struggled to see in themselves. I could extend myself to lift them up, and support them in their own journey.

With a little change in perspective and behavior, they could start living their best life too. Because everyone is powerful. Everyone is lucky. Everyone deserves better. Even if they don’t know it or they don’t believe it. Everyone can start living their best life.
