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Purpose and Calling, Reflections

Making Yourself Lucky by Kevin Connelly

You have likely heard the expression that luck is simply when preparation meets opportunity. I believe this is to be true, but I think there can be more to luck. Some people tend to have more of opportunities or lucky breaks than others.

In Design Your Life the two authors describe the mindset of being curious: “Curiosity makes everything new. It invites exploration. It makes everything play. Most of all, curiosity is going to help you ‘get good at being lucky.’ It is the reason some people see opportunities everywhere.”

Thinking back to my lucky moments they all stem from being curious, being willing to share my aspirations with others, and having enough credibility that others will want to help you. The best way to make others want to help you and build credibility is by helping them!

So to get lucky: be prepared, be curious, share where you want to go, help others, and build relationships especially where there is no perceived ROI!